Happy 10th birthday!

I don’t know how these 10 years flew by so quickly. I remember Michelle’s arrival into this world like it was yesterday. Now, you are intelligent, sincere, empathetic, giving, creative, and oh so beautiful. You have been blessed with everything you need in life to succeed and find happiness.

Humberto Maquilon.

Juan’s Graduation

It took eighteen years before it was possible for this big event to take place. Juan’s High School Graduation was the end of one life journey and the beginning of another. We are so very proud of his dedication and hard work. Now the University of Florida is waiting for you!.

Juan officially became a Gator

We had been stressing about Colleges, ACT and SAT scores and applications since last year. We decided to apply to several Universities but always with the hope that someday Juan would be accepted to the University of Florida. Last summer we visited Gainesville the house of the Florida Gators and we witnessed how everything revolves around the University, this College town is a place for young people and perfect to be a Computer Scientist. Today, we checked online the status of the application and a “Congratulations on your admission to the University of Florida” was in the screen. At that moment, all the stress of the College selection process dissipated, and honestly we were in shock. Getting this acceptance into the dream school is a reward based on all the hard work, sacrifices, dedication and efforts. We will never forget this moment when Juan officially became a Gator.

My name is Betty

Betty is a stray cat, this means she has been abandoned or lost. Months ago we noticed how friendly and nice she was. Soon, she starts to play with Michelle, Natalie and Nicole and began to gain confidence with us. And a blink of an eye, she was eating inside the house. Gloria, concerned about the health of Betty, took her to the animal shelter. She was spayed, all the vaccinations were applied, the ears were cleaned and the fleas were controlled. She currently lives between our house and the street. She still is very attached to its nightlife and we respect her decision. We are glad to welcome a new member of the Maquilon’s family.

Best time dancing with my friends Natalie and Nicole.

I found two new best friends that are twins. I invited them to dance with me and make a show. Hope you like our pictures.

Michelle Maquilon.